Comment on NYC Man Convicted Over Gunsmithing Hobby After Judge Says 2nd Amendment 'Doesn't Exist in This Courtroom'
What’s good about insulting someone and calling them a racial slur?
Freedom to express any opinion a person decides because no opinion or words causes bodiy injuries, only actions do.
lol, not good enough.
The Supreme Court and Congress also disagrees with this stance:
I disregard their opinion, and I live in complete absence of their decision. I have no regard for restriction and I will provide material support to everyone that goes against it.
Have fun calling people slurs then 8 months ago
Freedom to express any opinion a person decides because no opinion or words causes bodiy injuries, only actions do. 8 months ago
lol, not good enough.
The Supreme Court and Congress also disagrees with this stance: 8 months ago
I disregard their opinion, and I live in complete absence of their decision. I have no regard for restriction and I will provide material support to everyone that goes against it. 8 months ago
Have fun calling people slurs then