Here you go:
This is a study on consumer shopping behaviors for health insurance, including reasons why a consumer is or isn’t happy with an insurance plan, what they value and what determines their enrollment.
It seems what trips most people up are the costs for necessary coverage. 9 months ago
The study has nothing to do with your claim. I should explain citations should be relevant to the topic. Just citing random things doesn’t validate a discussion. 9 months ago
That’s your opinion, I think this is a perfectly valid representation of how a US citizen purchases a healthcare plan and their feelings on that process and their coverage.
We can agree to disagree here.
Now can you show me a citation that shows the inverse? 9 months ago
It isn’t my job to prove your claim. The cite doesn’t say what you claim. I have yet to see a poll to say profit is the reason people are unhappy with the system. Cost is an issue but that isn’t tied just around profit. Our staff is payed much higher than the rest of the world and we are more litigious as well. 9 months ago
I’m not asking you to prove my claim. I’m asking you to show me contrary evidence. I provided some and you didn’t like it, so show me what good evidence looks like.