The only aid that could actually help is buying Palestinians guns, carried by people who know how to use them.
Comment on Palestinian Relief Bundle - 9 months ago
Isn’t Isreal blocking all aid into gaza? 9 months ago 9 months ago
If history has taught us anything, it’s that just giving guns to people is a terrible idea. 9 months ago
Ok, I see your point.
How about sending trained soldiers and cooperating with Hamas?
Or more easily, stopping trade with Israel?
Or more easily and more profitably, stopping weapon donations to Israel at the very least?
I am not speaking to you personally, but if people stop talking about things they become forgotten, so here I am speaking. 9 months ago
Diplomacy is usually the way to go. I realize that is a foreign concept for Americans, but yes. The stopping of trade or even the threat of such, is a powerful tool indeed. And there is so many options within that concept that doesn’t involve arming every man, woman and child to the teeth and just letting them go at each other until something is resolved. Because looking at the countries that encourage such, we see that things just tend to get even more complicated. More complicated and more violent. 9 months ago
From the few snippets I’ve seen, they have downright been killing aid workers. It’s so fucked.