Comment on Where does Wolfballs get advertised?

<- View Parent ⁨2⁩ ⁨years⁩ ago

Do you know why you've been blocked by most of the users on Is it because of libertarian comments?

I don't really compare Poast/Gab/Twitter to link aggregators like Reddit/Saidit/Wolfballs. The former is for following personalities; the latter is for following communities. (I personally have a lot of low-IQ fun on Poast and Gab.)

Wolfballs happens to be the only federated link aggregator that allows someone to intelligently mention niggers and kikes. With a libertarian administration/moderation standard, IMO Wolfballs is the true successor to the original reddit model.

In a perfect world, shitlibs and nazi larpers would both inhabit the same discussion platform. (To see a tiny version of this, check out r/PoliticalCompassMemes, the last place on the mainstream internet where nazis and marxies actually talk intelligently to each other).
