How’d y’all communicate with builders? Do you say this building has 0 floors to say that it’s si gle story and say that it has 1 floor to mean that it’s 2-story?
Comment on How many floors are under an apartment on the second floor? (No basement) 10 months agoArrays are indexed from zero - the UK has the only correct naming approach. 10 months ago 10 months ago
So youre telling me you have 3 cookies in front of you, you’d call them the zeroth, first and second cookies?
Someone asks what cookie youre on and you say second having already eaten 2.5? 10 months ago
I am aghast that you assume I use floats anywhere in my code. The cookie has an eaten flag and in one tick it goes from false to true. If you want partial cookie eating tracking we can plan a future update.