Comment on How many floors are under an apartment on the second floor? (No basement) 10 months agoTo reach the 2nd floor you need to go up 2 floors
To reach the 1st floor you need to go up 1 floor
If you go up 0 floors, you’re on floor 0 - aka the ground floor. 10 months ago
The ground floor is still a floor of the building, and it’s the first one you encounter. To me they are interchangeable. 10 months ago
Alright, fair point. Clearly there are merits to both systems (see other answers). If there’s a floor -1 and a floor 1 I’d expect there to be a floor 0 between them, and I don’t think anyone would propose that floor 0 would have you climb down from street level to reach. That’s why it makes sense to have ground floor at 0 to me.
It also might help to call them floor 1, floor 2 etc. instead of first floor, second floor, etc… It’s kind of like how the 20th century is the one going 19xx. So the 20th floor being floor 19 isn’t too farfetched.
What do you mean I’m overthinking this?!