Comment on banaynay 10 months ago
“Hua Moa” just sounds right for a banana that size. I can picture the person that named it making those sounds as a reaction to seeing it, and then just going with that as the name.
Comment on banaynay 10 months ago
“Hua Moa” just sounds right for a banana that size. I can picture the person that named it making those sounds as a reaction to seeing it, and then just going with that as the name. 10 months ago
“Hua moa” is Hawaiian for “chicken egg.” 10 months ago
If that’s true… It’s not a very apt name for it. 10 months ago
I mean, there certainly are a shit load of chickens around, but that’s a newer development.
Hua can also mean fruit, so it’s possible it means “chicken fruit.” I’m not sure that makes any more sense, though. 10 months ago
Could just be cos yellow. 10 months ago
Unless they mean it looks like an egg the size of a full-grown chicken. 10 months ago
I’m sure they mean a Moa chicken.