The protest is real, the furries are fake
Comment on [deleted] 10 months agoSo, I was about to delete the post, but I’m curious… why you think THIS is more believable? I’m not trying to be difficult, just trying to understand.
The whole article is based on what Seth Sorensen, Nebo School District Public Information Officer, said. Yes, theoretically he should be more believable than a group of children, as he’s… well, an adult and a person working there (or just related to the educational system). Do we just attribute honesty with their employment position? I’m probably missing something 10 months ago 10 months ago
Where I’m coming from: I’m just a random person on the internet, my opinion doesn’t really matter. So I’m willing to apply heuristics here that I would not apply if I were directly involved in the situation. If I were directly involved I would want to know more before rendering a judgment.
The heuristic I applied here was: this whole thing about “furries in schools” has come up repeatedly as a right-wing talking point and to my knowledge it has been a lie 100% of the time. So I was comfortable applying the heuristic of “if this has been a lie every other time it has come up, this time it is probably a lie.” As they say extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, so I would need something extraordinary to convince me that furries assaulting students with impunity is a thing that actually happened. Not impossible, there are enough humans on the earth that absolutely bonkers things happen all the time, but extraordinarily unlikely to be true.
A cursory search revealed a much more believable story: some students wore headbands possibly with ears on them to school, and other kids were assholes to them. Honestly the only surprising thing to me is how reasonable the administration was: they sent a letter reminding students that those headbands are not allowed by dress code but also reminding the other students that being terrible to your fellow students is not ok. I remember high school, this all sounds believable to me (except for the part where administration admonished the food-throwing bullies, that’s a little bit of a surprise to me). 10 months ago
Thanks for the explanation, I think your take is reasonable. I’ll delete the post, we’ll see if any of that evidence comes up, it’d be crazy if it did lol