Comment on Bees 10 months ago
Yeah, the focus on bees is weird
But it’s a proxy for protecting insects in general. If normal people caring about bees gets pesticide use reduced I am all for caring about bees.
Comment on Bees 10 months ago
Yeah, the focus on bees is weird
But it’s a proxy for protecting insects in general. If normal people caring about bees gets pesticide use reduced I am all for caring about bees. 10 months ago
Bees are basically an introduced domesticated animal outside of Europe. Other parts of the world have their own native pollinators that are at significantly greater risk than bees, which are heavily managed and extensively studied due to their agricultural importance. For all the popular alarm over Colony Collapse Disorder, bee colony populations have been basically stable for decades and certainly haven’t seen any measurable decline in recent years. 10 months ago
Also, big numbers of honeybees can cause decline in local native bee species and other pollinators, which in turn can endanger rare native plant species.