Actually read the brief article. May surprise you on what he says. Spoilers, he thinks should spend more of our money on health care for our people
Actually read the brief article. May surprise you on what he says. Spoilers, he thinks should spend more of our money on health care for our people 8 months ago
What does trashing for-profit healthcare have to do with being woke?
Republicans overwhelmingly are the ones that support laws that further privatize healthcare and allow this dynamic, and have been for decades now. It’s weird he’s trying to blame being woke on that.
Maybe don’t take economic input from a largely irrelevant comedian. 8 months ago
He doesn’t. Read the article. 8 months ago
He literally does in the article. I read it. That’s where I got this sick quote:
What he gets wrong is that the law as it is allows the healthcare industry to be what it is right now, and we could actually support Ukraine and get our people healthy with the right prioritization in Washington. 8 months ago
No, what he is saying is we should solve our own problems before paying for others wars. 100 billion could do a lot of good here.