Papers please
Comment on The EFF is missing the point with the American Privacy Rights Act 10 months agoThat’s what concerns me. Everyone wants to follow others these days.
If you did a little research and came up with your own conclusion good on you but I am concerned that people will just be followers.
I also think the EFF has a flare for being politically charged up for no good reason. 10 months ago 10 months ago
Agreeing with a persuasive argument is not ‘being a follower.’
Frankly, the fact that this bill seems to have broad support among the same Congress that’s not only renewing but expanding FISA is suspicious enough to begin with. The EFF’s analysis about how it preempts potentially-stronger state laws to form a ceiling on privacy rights instead of a floor just proves the obvious: that it’s a limited hangout designed to give the appearance of addressing the problem while actually shielding big business from real privacy protections with teeth.