Comment on They're openly allowing illegal immigrants to vote in federal elections now in Arizona. 10 months agoSure, not all of them would be in Arizona, but some would be. And without checking, how do you enforce the voting requirements? 10 months ago
I guess we’re both going to learn something today, because, as of writing this, I have no idea. So let’s dig in! Assuming a non-citizen immigrant attempts to vote in Arizona, how do they enforce voting requirements, namely, that only U.S. citizens vote in federal elections?
My first thought is the process of voting itself.
First, the non-U.S. citizen immigrant must register to vote. Pretty hard to do for someone that isn’t a U.S. citizen, a resident of Arizona, and isn’t 18+ years old.. Proof of citizen is required merely for registering. So, unless mistakes happen, then all registered voters in Arizona are U.S. citizens.
Right, but the picture above says it’s not required. In that case, you’re given the Federal Voter Registration Form (this is the same link shown at the bottom of OP’s pic). When you get the PDF it asks for an ID #:
If I were an election auditor, my first thought would be to look at box 6 for “None”.
Holy crap, this is beyond confusing. If I were a non-citizen immigrant willing to throw away my opportunity in the U.S., I’d be racking my brain about how to vote for Biden to open the border. Because, this is tough. You should try it. Walk through the steps of registering to vote. Even on the federal voter registration for it explicitly says:
So, like…are they going to ask for proof of citizenship anyway? Super unclear.
A better question is how are non-citizen immigrants voting in Arizona in the first place? lol 10 months ago
Ok, thanks for looking into it.
Immigrants, illegal or not, dont get deported for committing crimes.
I would presume just like anyone else, and hope no one checks.