Comment on Daily Discussion Thread: šŸ™‰ Fri 12 Apr 2024

<- View Parent āØ2ā© āØmonthsā© ago

Thereā€™s something in the air today, my brain is rotting from boredom but I canā€™t tear myself off the couch to do any one of the 200 things I should be doing, including some reports for work.

I also canā€™t seem to find the motivation or even focus to play a video game, or get out the sewing machine (my favourite hobby).

Iā€™ve been doom scrolling for 3 hours. Even though I know itā€™s making me feel worse, and it would take me 2 minutes to put a yoga video on and grab my mat, and I would feel betterā€¦

But apparently my brain just wants to sit here feeling guilty over all the things I should be doing but arenā€™t.

Its my day off so Iā€™ve half convinced myself itā€™s okay to still be in my pyjamas at almost 4pm, and do nothing today, not even cookā€¦but Iā€™m not enjoying it, itā€™s not relaxing. Iā€™m paralysed by the complete lack of motivation, and self imposed shame over doing nothing.

Im going to blame my ovaries for this unfocused, unmotivated mood.
