Lol nice trolling attempt!
For anyone else reading, I’m a dev, and I didn’t get any “devs lazy” vibe from the OP.
It’s a sensible request, not a ridiculous one.
Comment on Please stop blocking VPNs for established accounts 10 months ago
The fact that I have a 10 month old account with consistent activity should outweigh any IP address reputation issues.
I dont even know where to begin unpacking this flagrantly ridiculous sentence, but I’ll just say this is the same energy as the “devs are lazy” entitlement when popular video games suddenly acquire a cheater problem
Lol nice trolling attempt!
For anyone else reading, I’m a dev, and I didn’t get any “devs lazy” vibe from the OP.
It’s a sensible request, not a ridiculous one. 10 months ago
Proposing changes like this is how open source projects work.
Account age and reputation metrics are a pretty good way to limit abuse because the supply of established accounts is limited, making them difficult to replace when they get banned.