The problem I am finding is that explicit versions I have added to my playlist are replaced with clean versions. Not always, but sometimes.
The problem I am finding is that explicit versions I have added to my playlist are replaced with clean versions. Not always, but sometimes. 10 months ago
unless something has changed fundamentally, im not sure how this is possible. like i posted last night, i noticed it on the song Teenage Dirtbag, it was edited, i never really spent time to fix it as i always heard it driving and forgot to fix it.
this was the version i had saved as it came up first - - and you can see it’s from dawson’s creek, obviously edited.
updated it to this one - - and it’s the unedited version right from their album. 10 months ago
It seems that the way that YTM maintains playlist is by keeping a track list and populating it on the fly with the first hit it gets. If the metadata doesn’t include a special mention of “explicit” or “clean”, you end up with a crapshoot on which version you’ll get.
For me it even went beyond that. I had uploaded my personal collection to Play Music. When they migrated to YouTube Music they replaced my tracks with tracks from their catalog, including edited versions. 10 months ago
my play library got fucked up too, had to manually fix, took a long time.