Doesn’t have to be law to be a stupid decision. Conservatives love to show “respect” to the flag, which the flag code outlines how to do. If you then toss those guidelines to the side whenever it’s beneficial to your argument, you’re not really respecting the flag, legality aside. 10 months ago
The guidelines don’t apply because it’s not a real American flag. As I cited the legion says it’s not an issue.
Funny how lefties don’t even know what an American flag is. 10 months ago
Don’t believe every source Google gives you.
The definition of a flag, according to the flag code, is as follows:
Who is wrong about the definition of a flag, the flag code or this site you found? 10 months ago
You think the American legion isn’t a reputable source?
The America legion.
The organization chartered by Congress for veterans…/legion_charter.pdf 10 months ago
I simply quoted the flag code, which was the basis of the point you were making that the clothing was not in violation of.
Also, flag code IS US Federal law, even though it is not mandatory. It was enacted by the 105th congress.
You continue to show your ignorance of the points you argue against and I am so here for it.