That comment was very Reddit of you. Don’t do that, please.
Comment on this one goes out to the arts & humanities 10 months agoSo you're happy to see AI take someone else's job as long as it isn't taking your job. 10 months ago 10 months ago
You'd rather cheer for people to lose their jobs without anyone calling you out on it, sure. 10 months ago
Keep assuming. Fuel your own rage. I tried. Now I’m out. Good night and goodbye. 10 months ago
I'm not the angry one wishing unemployment on my "enemies" here. 10 months ago
You said tech bros will realize it’s easier to replace their jobs than those of creatives. Who is included in “tech bros” here? I wanted a job in tech and can’t get one partly because of AI. Am I a tech bro? I would be very careful what you imply here. 10 months ago
Less work being done by anyone is better. Thinking it’s bad that work is done for us by robots is the brain worms talking. 10 months ago
Indeed. Ideally AI would do every job, so that humans can focus on just doing what we want to do. It'd be like the whole species getting to retire. 10 months ago
You’d rather cheer for people to lose their jobs without anyone calling you out on it, sure.
I’m not the angry one wishing unemployment on my “enemies” here.
Who are you?
What do you want? 10 months ago
The ideal endpoint is to eliminate the concept of "jobs" entirely. Why should people have to work? 10 months ago
The ideal endpoint is to eliminate the concept of "jobs" entirely. Why should people have to work? 10 months ago
Taking the jobs of the people responsible for creating it seems preferable to taking other’s jobs.