Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago
A lot of people here saying you're over thinking things, but as a chronic pain patient, I know exactly how suspicious and damn right shitty some healthcare professionals can be, and how horrible, and guilty, they can make you feel for something completely innocent because they've been drilled about "pill seekers" or whatever (but were never drilled anywhere near as hard about prescribing responsibly, only profitably) and don't care enough to actually look at why you're taking them.
I do agree with most of the comments that being flagged by anyone is probably not something that should be concerning you at all, you are prescribed the meds by a doctor, and especially after a procedure that has painful recovery, no one will think twice about it.
But it is so fucking important for people to see the kind of impact that clamping down on patients (the stress, panic, anxiety, fear, guilt despite having done nothing wrong, and so on) instead of the doctors doing the irresponsible prescribing.
I hope you manage to calm your concerns, and feel better soon.