And let’s be honest, any intelligent marketing person would use even a single comment to try and get attention for their, ahem, difficult-to-market play
And let’s be honest, any intelligent marketing person would use even a single comment to try and get attention for their, ahem, difficult-to-market play 10 months ago
I don’t understand how this play could possibly be hard to market, it’s possibly the most famous English stage play with very famous people. What am I missing here? 10 months ago
It’s shakespeare. It’s boring, the younger crowd aren’t interested any more
Or were you hoping I’d say something racist? 😂 10 months ago
Yeah, more like I worry that was your implication, it was hard to read it any other way.
I’m sure the younger crowd are just as interested in a play from 1597 as you were in the 1900s, and doubly so in Tom Holland. Seems like the tickets would sell themselves 10 months ago
Holds out Yorick’s skull
Remains to be seen