11 months ago
What is considered masculine or feminine is largely a cultural thing. It was once manly to where skirts (kilts) and dresses (robes) and knit and sew, some places it still is.
A strong person (character trait) is someone who is willing to stand their ground for what they believe is right despite overwhelming pressure, be willing to admit it when they are wrong and flexible enough to adapt when the situation changes.
Sometimes that means you must fight and kill, but talking and listening (often seen as feminine or weak) usually gives better results. 11 months ago
Talking and listening. “Sensitivity”. “Receptivity”. Those could be called feminine strengths. 11 months ago
Eh, only because society emphasizes them when raising women, just as aggressiveness is emphasized for men. In both cases it is trained for the most part.
There is always natural inclination, but that is often overridden by how you are raised and the experiences you have throughout your life. 11 months ago
Ah, nature vs nurture. I’m with nature here.