Comment on A new Matrix movie is in development with The Cabin in the Woods filmmaker Drew Goddard at the helm ⁨5⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Y’know what? I hope they get Keanu.

I hope every actor returns, and they all half-ass it as hard as they can. I hope the whole cast does the movie sarcastically.

I hope every subsequent film from this idiot robot studio in this zombie franchise is sillier and more self-sabotaging than the last, and they keep cranking them out anyway. Let the whole thing descend into SCP cursed-VHS-tape levels of self-aware vicious condemnation. The Matrix 6 has Slavoj Zizek, as himself, explain to Agent Smith’s ghost why he’s an asshole, and Hugo Weaving just sits there, stone-faced, in a silly hat. The Matrix 7 is mostly Lana and whatsherface dunking on conservative bigots with an in-character Greek chorus. The Matrix 8 has Will Smith as Neo opposite Laurence Fishburne doing a Sean Connery impression, but it’s all a joke at Will Smith’s expense, and apparently he’s into that. The Matrix 9 brings back Joey Pants for a stealth remake of Memento that’s mostly satirizing later Christopher Nolan. The Matrix 10 is a stoner comedy. The Matrix 11 is animated, so that David Zaslov will erase it from existence, and the series can finally die.
