To be clear, this is supposedly temporary and eventually it’s supposed to be bidirectional but I will be totally unsurprised if they “never get around to it”.
It would be pretty useless as it is. Even for them. Federation only really mattered for a few people (us), most of their userbase doesn’t care or know so its not like it was meant to be a hook to lead them in. 11 months ago
To be clear, this is supposedly temporary and eventually it’s supposed to be bidirectional but I will be totally unsurprised if they “never get around to it”. 11 months ago
It would be pretty useless as it is. Even for them. Federation only really mattered for a few people (us), most of their userbase doesn’t care or know so its not like it was meant to be a hook to lead them in. 11 months ago
I would agree with your suspicion but it’s got to be said that their public statements are pretty clear: It is coming.…