Testing: do I see it if I’m pinged from Lemmy to Mastodon?
Comment on Monday Daily Questions (Newbie Friendly) - 08/07/2023 02:00:00 AM GMT-4
PorkButtsNTaters666@sub.wetshaving.social 1 year agoI honestly don’t know. I kind of agree with @gfdoto@sub.wetshaving.social that we need to know what the Lemmy is about before making decisions, and that the separate Lemmy instance vs. being a sub community somewhere else is a sideshow or a consequence of the more basic decision.
If it’s buying insurance against reddit’s decisions (as [@djundjila@sub.wetshaving.social](sub.wetshaving.social/u/djundjila seems to suggest, if I interpret that correctly), I don’t think that it’s worth to spend the time and money to maintain a separate server - I don’t think that the r/wetshaving community will transfer to a different place, under any realistic scenario.
One question would be whether things like the LG or AA could take place also here and on Mastodon, which could give this place (or any Lemmy) a huge boost.
It’s also a bit sad to see that many of the people who posted here in the beginning don’t do so anymore (for instance, @gcgallant@wetshaving.social, @merikus@wetshaving.social or @sahenders@sub.wetshaving.social - who all post on Mastodon, but not here; still others seem to have abandoned the fediverse entirely).
Will we be able to attract new people from the fediverse? This will also depend on how well the fediverse does as a whole. For the moment, after some growth, it seems to me that people are rather going back to reddit.
PorkButtsNTaters666@sub.wetshaving.social 1 year ago
walden@sub.wetshaving.social 1 year ago
I’d like to pivot away from being a r/wetshaving replacement, and move towards being another place to share your shave stuff. I still have some work to do, but up until yesterday, anyone asking to join was asked to explain their relationship to r/wetshaving, and in the absence of that tell us what their favorite shave soaps are. Not great for people who are interested in wetshaving but haven’t started yet. I’d like to be more open than that. There is still a question to answer when signing up to prevent bots and spammers, but I want to detach this from Reddit.
The time and money for hosting aren’t a problem right now, and won’t be for the foreseeable future.
Hosting a LG or AA here would be cool! I agree that it would have to start out being side-by-side with r/wetshaving. In fact, I’ll add some AA posts to the bot sometime today. I want to add additional auto posts like Mail Call, etc., too. Maybe in the future, the LG committee and shill this forum and give an extra point if the user cross-posts all 30 shaves here.
As far as people taking a break (or quitting) Lemmy, that doesn’t bother me. Lemmy saw a huge boost from the Reddit API thing, but it was temporary. Not just here, but everywhere. Now that this instance is established, it needs to be a natural migration of old and new users alike.
I saw a stat recently where the amount of interaction with Lemmy has gone up quite a bit with the release of Sync for Lemmy (the Android app). I do see mobile apps increasing the overall usage of Lemmy in the long term. Mastodon had a great app from the start when people started to bail from Twitter, and I think that probably helped them retain a lot of the refugees.
PorkButtsNTaters666@sub.wetshaving.social 1 year ago
Thanks for your detailed response! I see that you, @djundjila@sub.wetshaving.social and @merikus@sub.wetshaving.social have plans for continuing, which is excellent news.
djundjila@sub.wetshaving.social 1 year ago
I agree with everything said here