Comment on Why is there no true Progressive party in America right now? 11 months agoPeople are downvoting you because capitalism is the biggest obstacle to progress.
Is there anything in the PSL’s mission statement or program that you either disagree with or don’t consider progress? 11 months ago
The defense of the revolutionary government will be organized on the basis of the armed, organized working class. All foreign military bases will be closed immediately. 11 months ago
That was explained earlier in the program:
It’s certainly not self-justice. Mob-rule is just a term liberals use to justify anti-democratic mechanisms to protect their own power. 11 months ago
Thanks. But no thanks for the downvotes. When asking to be questioned, expect to be questioned.
And mob-rule is not a just a term invented by the liberals. But because a group of vigilantes took matters into their own hands - by arming themselves. 11 months ago
Yes it can mean that, but that’s almost never what is referred to when liberals bring it up as a reason for our institutions to be less democratic.
You can go all the way back to the founding fathers for that one.
It wasn’t for questioning, it was because you didn’t at least skim the article for anything pertaining to your question.
But honestly even opening link and scrolling to the bottom of the pamphlet is still better than 99% of exchanges like this so if I was grading on a curve, you’d still get an upvote.