Comment on Trump Calls For Return To ‘Law And Order’ At Wake For Slain NY Police Officer 8 months agoThe charges against Biden are also political then. Notice how Republicans have failed to pin Joe Biden for the crimes of his son. That’s why those charges are political. They’re certainly not backed by evidence.
When Biden wins, you’ll see that Trump’s fascist movement (I use that term knowing what it means probably more deeply than you) will never simply wither away on the vine form neglect. It must be rhetorically confronted and humiliated at every chance. 8 months ago
Well the classified documents they stated he was too incompetent to be charged. Not that he didn’t commit the crime but he was too feeble minded to be prosecuted. Biden isn’t going to win. Whatever his name, the Kennedy is going to pull votes from Biden. That’ll give Trump the chance to win the electoral college and clean up the decay in Washington.
If Trump loses, I’m retiring and moving to Florida. With my capital gains, I’ll be fine. 8 months ago
Trump and Co. are the decay, fiflth, refuse, excrement of society generally, but of Washington especially. The country’s capital is a pit of vipers, but the profiteering, violent rhetoric, and evident narcissism of Trump’s administration was such a tarnished foil that even Mitch McConnell seems like an upstanding guy. 8 months ago
Well I look forward to the success we had under Trump. You must be one of the few whos doing better under Biden. 8 months ago
Literally everyone is you daft idiot. 8 months ago
How how are dragons and fairies? One would assume you’ve included them in your batshit crazy fantasy world. 8 months ago
This isn’t a theory. It’s a fairly well known stance. It’s been all over the news. People are tired of Biden and all the progressive policies. People want to get back to be able to afford to live. 8 months ago
That’s an opinion, not a theory.