Comment on What if I ever need it?
Maybe in your country, but not in my country.
Non US? Might be. For us it stayed the same for like a decade and then switched to the current like two years ago.
Yes, Swedish. Also, for unrelated reasons I reacted a bit triggered in my previous reply and my canadian girlfriend said that I was being an arrogant european, and I’m sorry about that.
Didn’t even notice, so no worries. 8 months ago
Non US? Might be. For us it stayed the same for like a decade and then switched to the current like two years ago. 8 months ago
Yes, Swedish. Also, for unrelated reasons I reacted a bit triggered in my previous reply and my canadian girlfriend said that I was being an arrogant european, and I’m sorry about that. 8 months ago
Didn’t even notice, so no worries.