Comment on Are there any good, apolitical right-leaning podcasts out there? 11 months ago
I’ll try to actually give some answers.
I’d say efap qualifies along with most the individuals. More long form film criticism than journalism outright though.
Dave Ramsey is worth a listen to his radio show, but they other personalities in his group are pretty trash imo. He’s financial advice.
If you listen to local radio, in my experience most the people involved are moderate to slightly right leaning. It’s uncommon to really come up though.
Hunting and fishing podcasts tend to be more right leaning, maybe give some of them a try.
You won’t get newsy/journalism content without going pretty far right to things like project veritas or patriot radio levels. 11 months ago
Thank you so much! EFAP might be closest to what I’m looking for so I’ll check it out. I’m in Ireland so my local radio might be of a different flavour, but it wouldn’t be a bad thing to get a better idea of what’s going on in the community.
Thanks again