Comment on As an OG Reddit Sync user of over 10 years, all this arguing really brings a tear to my eye. šŸ„²

<- View Parent āØ11ā© āØmonthsā© ago

Someone downvoted you for the first paragraph, I guess.

I donā€™t think Sync impacted the reach of Lemmy just yet (it rolled out how many days before?) but it would, maybe. Especially for those who used it before.

I spat acid not because Iā€™m pissed at people who use it or devs especially, but for not seeing any critique. It seems like an important turning point for Lemmy as a community. And no one bat an eye. I acted as a counterbalance. A mad one, and picked some low-stakes fights. It was funny.

Have a nice day, dude\ss.
