Comment on I'd like to see posts I upvote
Voyager, too
Seems to be only comments, not posts, though.
You can see posts (both created and upvoted/downvoted) in profile of Voyager
Ah I have “hide upvoted” on, that’s why I don’t see it.
Wait just realized I don’t actually have “hide read” on on this account(that’s on my other accounts), yet I only see comments and not posts in the upvotes section. Is there a chance that my instance doesn’t support it? 9 months ago
Seems to be only comments, not posts, though. 9 months ago
You can see posts (both created and upvoted/downvoted) in profile of Voyager 9 months ago
Ah I have “hide upvoted” on, that’s why I don’t see it. 9 months ago
Wait just realized I don’t actually have “hide read” on on this account(that’s on my other accounts), yet I only see comments and not posts in the upvotes section. Is there a chance that my instance doesn’t support it?