Comment on Thursday SOTD Thread - March 14th, 2024 11 months agoHuh. I think baking soda is a bleach, ackchually,
I should be brushing up (hihi) on my undergrad chemistry classes, but I’m starting to think that the main risk of baking soda and sodium percarbonate (oxiclean ond other brand names) isn’t to the knot but to the aluminium handle. Luckily the knot is hot-glued, so I should be able to extract it, play breaking bad with it, and reset it.
My plan, a ratchet of destinkification as it were, goes as follows:
- Dish soap followed by full dry and rewet cycle (low confidence in any effect)
- Extraction of the knot
- Baking soda, a.k.a. bleach(?) light, followed by full dry and rewet cycle (low to moderate perceived risk to knot)
- Sodium percabonate, followed by full dry and rewet cycle (moderate perceived risk to knot) 11 months ago
You had undergrad chemistry, so I’ll take your word over mine 😁
In my lay man’s mind, bleach was something that removes.color, and I don’t believe that this happened to my clothes when treated with baking soda.
Good luck with your destinkification! 11 months ago
Thanks! I’m really hoping it’ll work, this brush was one of my best boars pre restankening