Comment on Amsterdam testing system that can remotely slow e-bikes down 11 months agoYou know what? Yeah you’re right, that’s just a motorcycle with pedals and probably could do a lot of force if it hits a pedestrian and probably should just be treated like a motorcycle.
I have a cutesy little escooter that I feel like has a better chance of harming someone by picking it up and using it as a blunt weapon than trying to run them over at 15 mph. Make no mistake, riding on sidewalks is still super dangerous and shouldn’t be done if there is any chance of a pedestrian, but you’d think they would just build proper infrastructure instead of limit them. If they had a bike lane with passing space, they could be as beastly as they want while passing me. 11 months ago
I watched something very similar to this hit at least 40mph (~65kph) down my 30mph (~50kph) limit road the other day. The guy did not have a helmet on and was in a light jacket and jeans with trainers.
It was as you said, a motorcycle with pedals - only ridden by more of an idiot than the people who ride around during summer on 600cc bikes wearing shorts and t-shirts (cause at least they have a crash helmet on)