Comment on [deleted] 11 months agoBe civil. If you want to be taken seriously, don’t mention the troll unless it’s accurate. It is also a violation of rules. A troll wouldn’t be having a serious conversation with you about the issues with H1B visas.
You may think it’s a program worth saving but I feel it’s flawed out of the gate. It is just an abusive visa program that needs to go away. if the person is such a unicorn, they should be given the chance for citizenship and shouldn’t have a thirty-day exit period. Those are people we want to become Americans. If they are not the unicorns they are claimed to be, a normal visa would be better for them. 11 months ago
You’re right. Trolling is a serious thing, which is why I’ve called it out with your comments the past few days, and other users have agreed with me on.
Thank you for prefacing your argument this time with “I feel”, making clear that it is your opinion and not the state of things, which is how your previous comments have been worded.
I definitely agree with you on the exit period. But this alone does not qualify h1b to be completely ended, in my opinion. 11 months ago
Nothing about my comment is trollish.
Ending h1b is important. It’s a silly visa used by companies to abuse people.
If you amend as said, it’s the as other visas. 11 months ago