It’s NOT border SECURITY to allow more Illegal aliens everyday
Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago
But Republicans didn’t want to vote for border security 11 months ago 11 months ago
It’s also NOT border SECURITY to demand a Border Security bill, be directly involved in crafting it, then vote AGAINST it.
But unfortunately, that’s what congressional Republicans did. 11 months ago
LOL. We had border security BEFORE the biden regime came into power. But WAIT now we need a new law to stop it. How did that happen? Gee I don’t know. But the media told me so. Better believe it. I’m too busy getting fucked with inflation to think for myself. Though way way back in my brain I have this thought of what ignorant tools the media must think of those that believe their lies. 11 months ago
No we didn’t…wow drinking the trump propaganda firehouse aren’t you …lol
So you’re saying we had border security during Obama too or are you trying to pretend we had border security for only the trump years? 11 months ago
What border security? The wall was never finished and the last guy had 4 years to do it 11 months ago
Why did Trump campaign than fail to build a wall if you had border security? 11 months ago
The problem is neither side has taken the border seriously. Both sides want to ignore it.
If you want to end the border problem, go after the companies that hire illegal aliens. With no jobs, they won’t come.
Personally I would like to see immigration reform but neither party wants to do that either.
If we need millions of uneducated people who don’t share our culture to work jobs, fine. Just do it illegally instead of the wink wink nudge nudge method we are doing now. 11 months ago
Or allow them to remain. 11 months ago
Republicans DESTROYED with only a single sentance by criitz.