American vegans are either doing it because they’re morons or because they are equally aware and just as complicit
Or they don't want to hurt animals unnecessarily or don't want to be complicit in the environmental devastation that industrial scale meat production causes.
they insist on calling even vegetarians carnists for not being vegans too.
I'm a vegetarian and I've never heard vegans say that. The craziest online voices are not an accurate representation of a group.
ethical consumption under capitalism! Meatless Mondays
Wait vegans hate vegetarians AND love people who eat meat 6 days a week? You're accusing them of being fanatically doctrinal and too accepting. When you accuse a group of mutually exclusive traits, that's a sign that you're working from a stereotype and not reality. 11 months ago
I’ve been vegetarian for 20+ years and have recieved nothing but love and support from vegans. Even one person I knew that was so committed she changed her last name to Govegan. I did recieved some chastisement from a plant based person for not knowing the difference between plant based and vegan, but they were also very anti-vegan.