Comment on Americans split on who they trust to do a better job as president: POLL 11 months agoUsing the same definitions. Biden raped tara reade.
So either way we end up with a rapist in the White House.
So check your yard stick as well. Morally I have no issues voting for Trump. 11 months ago
You mean the same Tara Reade that defected to Russia last year and has more recently praised Biden? The same Tara Reade that was found to have been changing her story based on who she was talking to and willfully refused to press charges just before defecting to Russia? THAT Tara Reade?
For the record if Biden did anything like that and was found to have committed the act, regardless of whether it qualified as rape in the state of New York, that would be a 1000% pass on voting for him, which I already don’t want to do.
The difference between what Tara claims and what E. Carroll claims is one went to court, the other tried to make it a national spectacle in an election year, and fled to Russia when that failed. She’s still welcome to come back and take this to court.
Unclear until Tara Reade’s accusation goes through due process, which is so important to you that means Biden is innocent until found guilty. Trump was found guilty of the accused act. The state’s definition of rape doesn’t make him any less guilty of the act itself.
I just did. See above. Fuck anyone that does anything so fucking disgusting, but one was found to have done it and the other wasn’t. One of these things is not like the other. The second Biden is found to have done this by a jury like Trump was, I will agree with you that they’re both rapists.
Which itself is no reason to continue voting for either of them, so the fact that you still don’t care that Trump did it but think you have an argument that Biden did it even though he was never even charged with it, shows me you’re not arguing in good faith.
You will agree with anything trump says, always, no matter what anyone here tells you, pussy grabbing be damned.
Would you be ok with Trump doing what he did to Carroll to your daughter? What about Biden? What if NY says it’s ok because that wasn’t rape. Would you be ok with it then?
I can tell, and this is why I advised you to revisit your yardstick of morality. My identity is not tied up enough in Biden to defend him if he’s found to have been guilty of this act. You’re ok with Trump as president in spite of it because your identity is that tied to him. 11 months ago
She took to court forty years later when a democrat paid for the lawyer. She doesn’t know when it happened. Not the year, month, or anything but still posted with trump later in photos. I wouldn’t do that with my rapist.
Tara fled due to threats to her life. Even her husband confirmed the details in a court record in 1995. So this isn’t some issue that magically popped up. You’re just living in denial.
I am ok with Trump because i don’t believe her. She’s a liar or an idiot, I don’t trust either.
If it’s overturned in appeals, will you still be ranting the same?
I suspect you’re still mad that rittenhouse got away. 11 months ago
So your first argument was that it isn’t rape because trump wasn’t convicted of it.
Now you’re supporting trump because you don’t trust E.Carroll.
Do you trust the jury that already found him guilty of the accused act? 11 months ago
Nobody found him guilty of rape. The jury found him liable for sexual assault but specifically not for rape.
I see it as nothing more than a political attack. Otherwise, where are the criminal charges?