Damn, that’s insanely expensive. I had an old railroad tie retaining wall I had to replace about 10 years ago. Quoted 8-10k to replace it with blocks. I did it myself for about $1,500 but it really sucked, and mine was just holding up part of the lawn. Good luck!
Comment on Temperature
RGB3x3@lemmy.world 11 months agoLol, my wife and I are having to deal with a retaining wall built in the 70s and left to rot. It was a cheap-ass railroad tie and wood retaining wall and if it’s not fixed, our house will slide off a hill.
$170k to fix… When I said lol earlier, I meant I want to cry.
Emotional_Sandwich@lemmy.world 11 months ago
fidodo@lemmy.world 11 months ago
Holy fuck, we have a railroad tie retaining wall for the bank in our back yard, but that’s keeping the bank from sliding towards the house, not for keeping the house up, and still, it’s not even holding much back. I’d never trust that for anything critical. No way that would ever be approved today.
RGB3x3@lemmy.world 11 months ago
They’re literally not approved by state ordinances anymore. And the previous 30 years of owners just completely neglected it. The soil erosion is so bad and it’s a shame because we can see the remnants of what used to be a beautiful backyard.
We thought the fix would be closer to 50k when we bought it, which would have been mostly paid for by our previous house sale. But here we are with an entire house worth of repairs in our lap…