there’s still a decent chance it’s only industrially biodegradable: at higher temperatures and pressures than a good ol’ home compost pile normally ever gets near. It could still be a bit infuriating.
Comment on Plastic tea bags 11 months ago
The first time I saw a bag like that, I was shocked as well. Seems like just the worst idea to use plastic to create tea bags. Turns out it is and they weren’t made out of plastic. It’s a starch based fiber that is biodegradable. I don’t think you could have plastic tea bags here in the EU in any case. I’d wager yours isn’t plastic either. Yeah, so you probably got mildly infuriated over nothing, just like I did the first time I saw one of these 🤷 11 months ago 11 months ago
It’s dope having municipal compost pickup, guys. 11 months ago
This is almost always the case. If it’s biodegradable at room temperature and pressure, it’ll be degrading once you get it.
We’re probably best off converting most of our things into industrially biodegradable products, and then having our waste go to composting plants instead of landfills. 11 months ago
I can’t really find a source for it, but I remember the EU banning plastic in tea bags quite recently, a few years ago at most. Here in the Netherlands, a lot of tea bags contain(ed) plastic as some kind of sealant.
Also, a lot of tea contains sugar, for no good reason whatsoever. 11 months ago
Also, a lot of tea contains sugar
In the form of fruit or added? If it’s the latter, they will have messed up something as simple as tea even further. When they started packaging them in airtight plastic (preventing one from smelling what you are considering to buy) and wrap every single bag in plastic, I already got mad. 11 months ago
Added sugar, that is. A lot of tea bags contain ‘aroma’, according to the ingredient list. However, this ‘aroma’ can be 60-70% sugar. 11 months ago
It should be clearly labeled then. Also in the nutritional information it should be clearly stated (pure tea is 0% carbs, 0% sugar).
I don’t think you can hide your sugar as “aroma” 11 months ago
I’m glad they stopped using metal staples on them too. That always bugged me. 11 months ago
Regular teabags are sometimes made using non-biodegradable plastic - be sure to buy those made with this starch based plastic. When I first saw biodegradable teabags I was surprised, I thought teabags were made of paper. Not so, it turns out. 11 months ago
that was interesting, thanks!