Comment on We are not "Right Wing"

<- View Parent ⁨2⁩ ⁨years⁩ ago

I actually live in the jungle, but i've never had any rats.

Power is not just physical, but that notwithstanding, it is quite the norm in other species to imply physical threat and for older alphas to be overthrown by younger ones

By "LOTJ is the whole of the law", i mean that it is the norm in civilised society to lie and jockey for power and disongenuously use any rule to win in any scenario. I think of workers rights and how most employment law is useless in reality, or in human relationships, how power - as in the ability to make things happen - is what people really mean when they talk about the imagined effects of wealth. Women aren't particularly attracted to wealth, but by its power, and also other forms of power, such a popularity/influence/wit, and skills to solve practical problems or keep income flowing.
