LTE Long term evolution, I think 5g is still LTE. 5g builds on the tech of 4g. 1 year ago
ITU defined 4G in 2008 as wireless connectivity with speed of 100 megabits per second for mobile users and 1 gigabit per second for stationary users.
LTE never achieved such speeds. It did not stop mobile operators from calling their service 4G.
ITU since then revised their definition to lower the required network speed.
5G was supposed to have network speeds of 10 gigabits per second. ITU however wisened up and are just defining it as ‘fifth-generation wireless’, because the mobile operators will butcher the definition anyway. 1 year ago 1 year ago
Yup. 5G is LTE with more frequency bands.
Just slap one more antenna into your phone, that’s how we’re increasing network speed. 1 year ago
Interesting 1 year ago
Well there you have it. If ITU hasn’t defined 10G, then ISP’s can call it whatever they want. It’s not regulated.