Those are all sensationalist and misleading headlines. They all knew the language prior and were reported by people who did not speak the language as them suddenly being ‘fluent’.
Comment from first one " a language never spoken FLUENTLY before" that means he spoke Spanish before, just not fluently. His brain just tapped into his short term memory and he remembered it well."
Guy in second link taught English in Asia and lived in Sweden for part of his life.
A comment from the 3rd link: "Title should read: Aussie wakes up from a coma with an improved ability to learn Mandarin. " He had already taken ‘basic Chinese’ in school which would be a huge head start. 11 months ago
First video says he woke up speaking only Spanish, a language he’d never spoken fluently before. They didn’t say he was speaking it fluently then either, only that he couldn’t speak English when he first woke up.
Second: TBD (didn’t watch yet)
Third: TBD (didn’t watch yet)