Comment on Are Instacart tipping reccomendations insane or am I being miserly? 1 year ago
Fuck tipping. This culture needs to die, and I’m doing my part. Flat zero no matter what.
Comment on Are Instacart tipping reccomendations insane or am I being miserly? 1 year ago
Fuck tipping. This culture needs to die, and I’m doing my part. Flat zero no matter what. 1 year ago
While I agree that when the tip option comes up at the register when someone is literally handing something back to me (like takeout) is sort of ridiculous. However, that’s vastly different than someone going to the store on your behalf, checking out, driving to your house and walking all items to your front door does probably merit a tip. While I agree, some tipping suggestions from Instacart are a bit on the high side, think of the human being on the other side of this service. If you truly don’t want to tip, you’re welcome to get your own goddamned groceries. Food for thought. 1 year ago
I think their claim is the practice of tipping is facially wrong and people should be compensated by their employer.
I believe they’d agree that person deserves compensation but they’d disagree on it being by tip vs salary. 1 year ago
Are these people not already being paid to get the groceries? 1 year ago
Oh they definitely require adequate compensation, but going to the shop and doing groceries on my behalf is literally their job. So I don’t see why I should pay them extra for following their job description. Yes, it’s physically more taxing than sitting in an air conditioned office, but that’s a matter that requires addressing through adequate wages.