FedEx and Staples have document printers for less than 10 cents a page. This is what I've been doing for years now, when someone won't just take a PDF straight up.
Comment on You didn't bought it you rented it! 1 year agoIn Germany there are a lot of stores that let you use their printer for 10ct per page. Is this not the case in the US (or wherever you live)? 1 year ago 1 year ago
Go to the library next time and see if they’ll let you do it for free. They may very well. 1 year ago
Most businesses in the US have a hard rule against connecting any outside hardware to the network, for security purposes. If you bring them a USB drive you will be asked to leave. If you can get whatever you need printed into a company email, you might stand a chance, but it would frequently require you having a personal connection to someone in the company willing to print your document for you, and depending on the document it will often not be appropriate for business email. American businesses are not really set up to be print shops and most of them would likely not help you unless you go somewhere like a Fedex-Kinkos that IS explicitly a print shop.
Libraries, however, will always have a printer you can use. It just costs, usually a negligible amount per page (10-50 cents depending on the particular library), but they've got no issues with you showing up with a USB drive and printing off of it, or logging into your own document storage (email, onedrive, etc) to print from there, because the computers are intended for public use.