Comment on Getting Attacked By Trolls With Gore

<- View Parent ⁨2⁩ ⁨years⁩ ago

well I think reddit implemented some of those more because they're control freaks but I can see how some of those things arise as a defense against these kinds of posts

I think people should expect to see horrible things on the fediverse

I think it was more common on the internet some time ago

I saw a dude

the things I've seen online that "haunt" me a bit when I think of it I guess are the watchpeopledie videos, seen enough suicide and death vids. Which is why I think I posted about what people think of gore, if not on here, then on another forum, wondering what people think of this kind of stuff. I'm pretty much desensitized to it but it's not something I would really want to choose to see. If people posted it and I have to take it down as a mod or I had a job like that, I don't think I'd be bothered by it (as someone posted a woman who had a job doing this who got mental issues from it and was trying to sue her employer). Maybe not as desensitized as I just look at it as a physical thing that happens, I don't feel as emotional about it. I do feel bad for the people and things in the world and suffer myself, but I also accept that certain things are happening or happened.
