Comment on Monday SOTD Thread - February 5th, 2024 ⁨11⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

SOTD 05.02.2024

Mammoth Monday head shave. 2 passes: I did the most part with the Gamechanger, then some cleanup with a disposable. 3 tiny blood spots due to not shaving for a few days and longer stubble on my dome, but overall a very comfortable shave nonetheless.

I currently have a lot to handle and on top I prepare a little celebration for my 30th birthday on the 1st of March. Originally, I wanted to throw a small party on the following Saturday, but since all my friends are parents who work, we’ll see how I can organise everything…

Actually, I never imagined it but turning 30 is hard for me. Sure, I know life doesn’t end there, I can still do lots of stuff, most of my friends and current classmates are older and since I’m a bald dude with facial hair I already look thirty for a few years… But seeing how I haven’t really achieved anything like my parents or friends did in their 30s (no family/kids, no marriage, no house) kinda pulls me down. Birthday blues is real and I hate it…
(I normally would have written about this in the Free Talk Thread, but since we didn’t have one and I forgot to make one too I’ll just tack it onto my SOTD. Feel free to laugh about my first world problems.)
