Comment on Do AI-Generated Image/Art Algorithms Plagiarise? | Atomic Shrimp 10 months ago
Saying it learns exactly like humans is a straw man. This video’s not as neutral as he’d like you to believe.
Comment on Do AI-Generated Image/Art Algorithms Plagiarise? | Atomic Shrimp 10 months ago
Saying it learns exactly like humans is a straw man. This video’s not as neutral as he’d like you to believe. 10 months ago
I don’t believe he’s advocating for that position, he’s attempting to illustrate the arguments either side on this debate make. 10 months ago
I believe he is. It’s a strategy called Fear Uncertainty and Doubt. 10 months ago
The part where he talks about it learning just like a human is when he is roleplaying a generic AI company CEO, then gives a solid counter argument from the perspective of a generic artist. How do you feel he is advocating for that stance? 10 months ago
His generic AI company CEO roleplay is a strawman. This part is when it devoves from a straw man to straight up caricature.
If you want to hear some real arguments, I suggest you read this article by Kit Walsh, a senior staff attorney at the EFF, and this one by Katherine Klosek, the director of information policy and federal relations at the Association of Research Libraries.