How did you play 140 hours of the first game, and not know Fragile says that same line multiple times?
Comment on DEATH STRANDING 2: ON THE BEACH – State of Play Announce Trailer 1 year ago
I have ~140 hours on the first game, and frankly, a lot of the stuff in this trailer does not interest me. Kojima’s writing is eye-rolling horrendous. “I’m fragile but not that fragile”. HUH. What kept me is the gameplay so new weapons, vehicles, enemies, that flood that wrecked the ramp and mechs, yeah, give me more of that! 1 year ago 1 year ago
What are you asking? Why would you assume he doesn’t know? I’m so confused. 1 year ago
Not really sure how you can roll your eyes at the dialogue from the trailer, but not from Death Stranding 1 or the Metal Gear games. This isn’t any more ridiculous than any other game he’s made.