Comment on Obi-Wan has PTSD 1 year ago
Wouldn’t you? He knew the fetid, steaming pile that was his miniseries decades before anyone else did, and he held that secret in tortured silence. For us. Old Ben is the GOAT.
Comment on Obi-Wan has PTSD 1 year ago
Wouldn’t you? He knew the fetid, steaming pile that was his miniseries decades before anyone else did, and he held that secret in tortured silence. For us. Old Ben is the GOAT. 1 year ago
It wasn’t that bad.
I mean, I’d give it like a 3/10, but it wasn’t memorable enough to be fetid to me. Neither was Ahsoka, which despite (in my eyes) character assassinating Thrawn, just didn’t interest enough to have staying power. And I really like Thrawn so I should be more upset at the complete disrespect Filoni showed Zahn.
Hm, the more I think about it, the more fetid it does feel. What a waste of McGregor. Disney could really use some fresh blood. 1 year ago
There, FTFY.