Comment on How does a SO feel different from a very good friend? 1 year ago
Opinions vary, but it’s my opinion out of all the things two people need to be compatible, friendship is by far the most important. At best sex only lasts, what eight to ten hours, the rest of the time you need a friend. When you are younger, you may be doing it all over the house but when you’re older things typically slow down or there may be times when someone is injured, tired, stuck at work, whatever. In those times understanding, compassion, commiseration and cooperation are important. If your partner is your best friend, you’re never lonely and you can share things. It’s so much harder when you have very little in common with your partner.
Guess I’m rambling now, but this is how I see it.
Good luck to you. 1 year ago
Sex only lasts 8 to 10 hours? Are you a fucking Viagra spokesperson? 1 year ago
OK, perhaps I was exaggerating a bit. Perhaps it’s more like 10 to 12, but the point still remains that you have to occupy the rest of that time and it’s best if you have a good friend to do that with. 1 year ago
He said “At best”.
It’s not so unreasonable if you have an open interpretation of what counts as sex. Certainly PiV penetration won’t last that long by itself. But if you count foreplay, the afterglow, and subsequent sessions all as one, it becomes reasonable, especially in your 20s. 1 year ago
What the fuck is with this thread and all the insane people saying with seriousness that sex last 8 hours… I can’t handle it