Comment on How the rest of the world sees the US and Royal Navy 11 months ago“Samir, this is America! Come on. Sit down. Come on. This isn’t Riyadh. You know, they’re not gonna saw your hands off here, all right?”
Comment on How the rest of the world sees the US and Royal Navy 11 months ago“Samir, this is America! Come on. Sit down. Come on. This isn’t Riyadh. You know, they’re not gonna saw your hands off here, all right?” 11 months ago
I was referring to Darth Vader getting his hand chopped off.
Wait, that was Luke 🤦… nevermind… 11 months ago
Uh… have you not seen the prequels? Lucas isn’t exactly known for subtle story telling. 11 months ago
I have, but I forgot the storyline… well, remeber it kinda vaguely. The original trilogy is what is burned in my mind, I was a kid, it was a great trilogy.