That’s one of the reasons why companies will put on a PIP(performance improvement plan) if they want to fire you. They try to get you to sign something saying you understand and acknowledge that your performance needs to improve.They need to have some sort of paper trail in order for them to be able to deny the unemployment claim. A company can’t just say “oh yeah that guy sucked” unless there was a substantial issue like you getting into a physical confrontation with someone
Comment on Cloudflare Employee records her final meeting where HR tries to fire her 1 year agoAt least in my state, if your employment is terminated for poor performance, the employer can deny unemployment insurance claims.
Which in itself is a total bullshit rule. What, so people who are bad at a certain job don’t deserve help while they find a job they’re better at? 1 year ago 1 year ago
Actually making good on insurance claims would defeat the point of insurance, which is to make money off of people in need, i.e. those who can’t afford the financial burdens that insurance purports to protect you from. 1 year ago
Don’t you need to be working somewhere for 6 months to get unemployment? She’s been there for 4 1 year ago
There’s a lot of good evidence that helping people is pretty un-American.